Every day we hear of a crisis or traumatic event that cripples the lives of people around us. According to National Association for Post-traumatic Stress Disorder, 60% of men and 50% of women will experience and suffer a horrific event in their lives. Stress disorders are the most common mental health illnesses affecting nearly 40 million Americans annually. It’s also estimated that over seven million adults suffer with PTSD alone in any given year.
And sadly, this number includes 500,000 American veterans. Did you know that suicides among the armed forces returning from Iraq and Afghanistan are at an all-time high… and two-out-of-three military marriages are failing?
Yet, we also know that during times of hardship, people are most open to change. The great paradox is that during “these times” God is not the author of evil and such horror, but He is our loving redeemer. He uses these events and times of brokenness to reveal Himself… to let us know that His grace is always available and sufficient. And here is what I believe most: God has no greater plan than to use people who “Dare to Care” to share His message of hope.
Not long ago, the American Association of Christian Counselors partnered with Military Ministry (a Division of Campus Crusade for Christ) to produce Stress & Trauma Care, a groundbreaking 30-hour counseling training program. Our desire is to equip, encourage, and empower you to make a difference in the lives of those suffering with stress and trauma (and their families). Don’t miss out on being a part of making a real impact on so many—especially the men and women returning home from war.
I can’t wait to see how God is going to use this counseling certificate training program in your life.
Tim Clinton, Ed.D., LPC, LMFT, BCPPC
President, American Association of Christian Counselors
Unit 1
CCCT 101: Introduction to Crisis Counseling
Dr. Tim Clinton, MG (Ret.) Bob Dees and Dr. Diane Langberg
Whether it’s on the battlefield, from a natural disaster, within the home environment, or a tragedy that strikes the local community, traumatic stress and its aftermath is a common theme for almost every counselor. Dr. Clinton, Maj. Gen. Dees, and Dr. Langberg offer a comprehensive overview of crisis and trauma in this introductory video.
CCCT 102: Grief, Loss, and Complicated Grief
Dr. Eric Scalise
Grief and loss are both simultaneous and intertwined processes that usually impact people in crisis. Dr. Scalise describes the factors that influence grief, including various stages and clinical implications from a holistic framework. The symptoms and appropriate interventions in working with complicated grief cases are also addressed.
CCCT 103: Trauma and Abuse
Dr. Diane Langberg
Abuse in all its various forms (physical, emotional, verbal, sexual, and spiritual) impacts tens of thousands of individuals every year. Dr. Langberg discusses the trauma response patterns found in most abuse victims, as well as special considerations to help enhance therapeutic effectiveness. Biblical insights and principles are woven into the presentation.
CCCT 104: Anxiety and Depression
Dr. Arch Hart
Traumatic stress, anxiety and depression often go hand-in-hand. Along with the lifestyle choices many individuals incorporate from an adrenaline-fueled world, Dr. Hart provides an excellent overview on the neurobiology related to mood disorders and how to identify the signs and symptoms of those who are at risk.
CCT 105: Trauma and Attachment
Dr. Gary Sibcy
Relational dynamics and one’s attachment style can have a profound influence on trauma responses and the recovery process in general. Dr. Sibcy reviews predominant attachment styles, their relational implications, and choosing appropriate interventions and treatment protocols when clients are facing traumatic stress.
CCCT 106: Counseling Strategies Panel
Dr. Eric Scalise, Jennifer Cisney and Dr. Kevin Ellers
There are various models of counseling with trauma survivors. Dr. Scalise, Jennifer Cisney, and Dr. Ellers discuss both indications and contraindications related to caregiving. The benefits of a multi-disciplinary approach that incorporates a client’s primary support system are addressed using a biblical model of healing and restoration.
Unit 2
CCCT 201: Impact Dynamics of Crisis and Trauma
Jennifer Cisney
The concept of psychological “first aid” in crisis intervention is discussed along with field-tested assessment tools and protocols. Jennifer Cisney takes a closer look at the importance of pre-event planning in terms of preparation and training, while reminding viewers that caregivers can also be vulnerable to vicarious traumatization.
CCCT 202: Methods and Techniques for Immediate Response
Thomas Webb
Crisis Incident Stress Management or CISM training is a recognized and systematic approach to handling crisis and trauma. Tom Webb looks at various models of crisis intervention and their impact within the workplace, church, family and the broader community. The benefit of crisis intervention teams is also discussed.
CCCT 203: Peer Support and Accountability
Joshua Straub
The role of one’s peers within the family, the church, and the community is crucial as it relates to long term care and support. Joshua Straub discusses the relevancy and benefits of using the SAFER Model in crisis intervention and why healthy and balanced accountability relationships can make all a major difference in the recovery process.
CCCT 204: Survivor Guilt and Fostering Resiliency
Dr. Kevin Ellers
Survivor guilt is one of the more common symptoms in the aftermath of trauma-based events, especially those that involve multiple victims. The presence of client resiliency is critical to providing effective trauma care. Dr. Ellers discusses the resistance-resiliency model and how to foster and sustain resiliency to help create a renewed sense of hope
CCCT 205: Managing the High Cost of Care
Dr. Eric Scalise
Crises and trauma not only directly impact the victims, but can also have a significant effect on caregivers as well. Dr. Scalise defines secondary or vicarious traumatization and how it creates the potential for compassion fatigue. Self-assessment tips and ways to develop a healthy stress-prevention plan are reviewed.
CCCT 206: Community Response and Cultural Differences
Rev. Leroy Scott and Dr. Pat Miersma
Cultural sensitivity and awareness are important skills for any caregiver. Rev. Scott and Dr. Miersma discuss worldview orientations that can impact one’s cultural competency and the ability to connect effectively during an actual crisis or in the aftermath of a traumatic event. The role of politics, bureaucratic systems, and community-based resources are also addressed.
Unit 3
CCCT 301: Signs and Symptoms of PTSD
Dr. Michael Lyles
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder involves reliving/re-experiencing the event through flashbacks and/or dreams, avoidance behaviors on the part of the victim, chronic isolation, hyper-arousal, and other numbing effects. Dr. Lyles gives an overview of the symptomology of PTSD, including relevant neurobiological factors.
CCCT 302: Risk Factors for PTSD
Jennifer Cisney interview with Rev. Chris Adsit
There are a number of risk factors that can increase the likelihood of PTSD occurring. These include combat deployments, natural disasters, a history of violence or abuse, accidents, and prolonged exposure to traumatic events. Jennifer Cisney and Rev. Adsit examine these factors, as well as the impact of their acuity, severity, duration, and proximity.
CCCT 303: Trauma and Addiction
Dr. Mark Laaser
In the presence of traumatic stress, survivors can exhibit self-medicating tendencies and/or behaviors in order to escape and numb the emotional and psychological pain that they may be experiencing. Dr. Laaser discusses the addictive process along with important principles of intervention and treatment.
CCCT 304: Suicide Assessment and Prevention
Dr. Kevin Ellers
Suicidal ideation and/or attempts can be a serious by-product of traumatic stress and the inability to cope. Dr. Ellers discusses relevant and precipitating factors along with specific warning signs. An intervention protocol is provided to assist caregivers is recognizing an impending attempt and how to engage appropriate care and support.
CCCT 305: Treatment Protocols
Dr. David Jenkins and Dr. Michael Lyles
Traumatic stress has been treated with a variety of clinical approaches and protocols. Dr. Jenkins and Dr. Lyles provide a broad overview of the most common intervention strategies, including cognitive-behavioral, systematic desensitization, and medication considerations. Adjunctive treatments such as group and family therapy are also discussed.
CCCT 306: The Journey from Trauma to Transformation
Dr. Gary and Lolly Beikirch
The trauma that often accompanies the realities of war and the combat environment, can leave both visible and invisible scars. Medal of Honor recipient, Dr. Beikirch, and his wife share their incredible journey from the devastation of his Vietnam experience to a place of recovery and restoration.
Unit 4
CCCT 401: War, Deadly Force, and the Bible
Pastor Todd Wagner
Military commanders have certain statutory requirements when it comes to providing spiritual care to those they lead. Pastor Wagner explores the meaning of concepts such as, “just war” and the use of deadly force within a Christian framework. The potential conflicts of faith for men and women who serve in the military are also discussed.
CCCT 402: The Realities of Military Service on the Service Member
Dr. Don Snider and LTG Van Antwerp
Life for military personnel and their family members can be challenging, especially during times of war and active deployment or redeployment. Dr. Snider and Lt. Gen. Van Antwerp describe the various demographics related to military culture and what life is like for the typical service member.
CCCT 403: The Realities of Military Life for Families
LTG and Mrs. Van Antwerp and Dr. Rosemarie Hughes
Not only are there a number of stressful realities for active duty military personnel, but the impact on spouses, children, and other family members can be equally significant. Maj. Gen. Dees, Lt. Gen. and Mrs. Van Antwerp, and Dr. Hughes share from their own military experiences while offering practical insights and suggestions.
CCCT 404: The Combat Trauma Spectrum
Rev. Chris Adsit and Rev. Rahnella Adsit
The effects of combat trauma range from reintegration stress all the way to full blown PTSD. The Adsits discuss emotional, psychological, and behavioral responses to pre-deployment, deployment, and redeployment experiences for both military personnel and their families. Particular attention is given to the entire combat trauma spectrum.
CCCT 405: Military Medical System, Veterans Medical System, and Related Issues
Dr. Leigh Bishop and MG (Ret.) Ken Farmer
Both active duty military personnel and veterans frequently come into contact with the military medical system. The Department of Defense and Veteran’s Affairs utilize an established set of protocols for accessing and receiving treatment. Dr. Bishop and Maj. Gen. Farmer give an overview as it pertains to combat trauma.
CCCT 406: Assessment and Treatment Protocols
Dr. Leigh Bishop with Dr. Eric Scalise
The Department of Defense and Veteran’s Affairs employ a number of traditional medical approaches when treating PTSD and other combat trauma related conditions. Dr. Bishop and Dr. Scalise discuss a wide range of protocols and research-based therapies that have proven to be effective.
Unit 5
CCCT 501: A Theology of Suffering
Dr. Ron Hawkins
The concept of suffering is a common theme in the Bible and people of faith often examine their beliefs as it pertains to the question of evil in the world. Dr. Hawkins outlines a sound theological framework in which to understand these important issues and how to have a balanced view regarding the fallen nature of man and the Holy nature of God.
CCCT 502: The Role of the Chaplain
BG (Ret.) Charlie Baldwin and Chaplain Keith Ethridge with MG (Ret.) Bob Dees
Pastors and chaplains play an integral role in the military, as well as in other service organizations such as hospitals, prisons, police/fire, etc. Brig. Gen. Baldwin, Col. Ethridge, and Maj. Gen. Dees provide a panel discussion on the influence and value of key ministry leaders, especially on behalf of troops and their families.
CCCT 503: The Role of the Family as a Platform for Spiritual Healing
Dr. Dennis Rainey
When someone experiences traumatic stress or a military service person returns from deployment, it is often a family member who first recognizes the signs of traumatic stress and PTSD. Dr. Rainey discusses the spiritual and practical needs of families, the resources that are available to them, and their important role.
CCCT 504: The Role of the Church and Para-Church
Rev. Neil Rhodes, Dr. Bill Butler and MG (Ret.) Bob Dees
Churches frequently represent safe havens and healing communities for those who have experienced a traumatic event. Rev. Rhodes, Dr. Butler, and Maj. Gen. Dees address the myriad of ways the local church can facilitate help and provide tangible resources through spiritual care teams, support groups, and other lay led efforts.
CCCT 505: The Role of the Counselor and the Community
Dr. Linda Mintle
Sometimes trauma sufferers require the services of a mental health professional and/or other community-based resources. Dr. Mintle identifies and discusses various mental health disciplines, the referral process, and ways to enhance collaboration efforts with the family, the church, and other caregivers.
CCCT 506: From Trauma to Transformation: A Team Approach
Dr. Tim Clinton, MG (Ret.) Bob Dees and Dr. Diane Langberg
In summarizing the essence of this training course in traumatic stress, it’s important to give an overview of how trauma can lead people to change and to grow personally, relationally, and spiritually. Dr. Clinton, Maj. Gen. Dees, and Dr. Langberg discuss the transformative process of post-trauma renewal, growth, and healing.

Associate National Director of Disciplemaking, Campus Crusade for Christ Military Ministry. Rev. Adsit has authored, Personal Disciplemaking and Connecting with God and, most recently, The Combat Trauma Healing Manual and When War Comes Home, two workbooks that offer spiritual healing to those suffering from combat trauma.

Associate National Director of Staff & Troop Care, Campus Crusade for Christ Military Ministry. She has maintained a private counseling practice for many years and helped launch Military Ministry’s PTSD ministry in 2006. Rev. Adsit co-wrote, When War Comes Home, with her husband, Rev. Chris Adsit, and Marshele Carter-Waddell.

Major General, U.S. Air Force, Retired, former United States Air Force Chief of Chaplains. Chaplain Baldwin led an Air Force Chaplain Service Corps of approximately 2,200 chaplains and chaplain assistants from the active and Air Reserve components. He is a member of the Armed Forces Chaplains Board, a graduate of the U.S. Air Force Academy, and holds a Master of Divinity degree from Southern Baptist Theological Seminary.

Awarded the Medal of Honor during the Vietnam War. Mr. Beikirch joined the U.S. Army in August 1967 and completed basic training at Fort Dix, New Jersey; Airborne School at Fort Benning, Georgia; and Special Forces Training at Fort Bragg, North Carolina. Currently, Gary is a middle-school guidance counselor and on the Board of Directors of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial of Greater Rochester.
Received certificate in Biblical Counseling from Light University after completion of Caring for People God’s Way, Breaking Free, and Marriage Works. Mrs. Beikirch co-facilitates and co-teaches family life ministry and women’s ministry programs in her local church. Additionally, Mrs. Beikirch conducts pre-marital and marriage counseling, as well as grief counseling. She has been married for more than 30 years to Gary Beikirch, a Vietnam Veteran War Medal of Honor recipient.

Staff psychiatrist, Michael E. DeBakey VA Medical Center; Associate Professor of Psychiatry, Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, Texas. Dr. Bishop, a Naval Reserve Officer, serves in the U.S. Navy Medical Corps and is assigned to the Operational Health Support Unit in Dallas, Detachment J. He and his family currently reside in Houston, Texas.

is director of Professional Relations for the American Association of Christian Counselors. She received her Master’s degree in counseling from Wake Forest University and has worked in the field of Christian counseling since 1994. She specializes in working with issues of grief, crisis, and trauma. Jennifer currently serves as Coordinator for AACC’s National Crisis Response Team and is a Trained Trainer through the International Critical Incident Stress Foundation. She was director of AACC’s Soul Care Trip in New York City following 9/11.

is president of the 50,000-member AACC and is Professor of Counseling and Executive Director of the Liberty University Center for Counseling and Family Studies. He is a popular speaker and author of several best-selling books.

Major General (Retired) Bob Dees, M.S., is Military Director of the American Association of Christian Counselors and leads the Liberty University Institute for Military Resilience. Having commanded military units from platoon through division level, he well understands the mental and behavioral health needs of our military and their families. As a frequent speaker, author of Resilient Warriors, and co-host with Dr. Tim Clinton of the popular Stress & Trauma Care video series, General Dees is a national expert regarding faith-based resilience programs for the military and beyond.

is the Territorial Disaster Services Coordinator for The Salvation Army in the U.S.A. Central Territory. He is also president of the Institute for Compassionate Care, which is dedicated to education, training and direct care. He serves as faculty for the International Critical Incident Stress Foundation and teaches broadly on the topics of Medic First Aid, grief, trauma, disasters, and emotional and spiritual care. Kevin is a candidate for the Doctor of Ministry degree in the Marriage and Family Therapy track and is currently working on the final project for completion of the degree. He has a strong background in disasters, chaplaincy, pastoral ministries, marriage and family therapy and social services.

Acting Director, Veterans Affairs National Chaplain Center. Chaplain Ethridge served as a Navy Reserve Chaplain from 1988 to 1996. He is an active member of the Military Chaplains Association. Chaplain Ethridge assumed his current position in 2007.

Major General, U.S. Army, Retired, Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer for TriWest Healthcare Alliance. Dr. Farmer served in the U.S. Army Medical Corps as Commander, Walter Reed Army Medical Center, and North Atlantic Regional Medical Command. Dr. Farmer is American Board of Family Practice certified and a Fellow in the American Academy of Family Physicians.

University of South Africa; M.Sc., Ph.D., University of Natal; Licensed Psychologist; Professor & Former Dean of the School of Psychology, Fuller Graduate School of Theology; Certified Biofeedback Practitioner; Board Certified Diplomate Fellow in Psychopharmacology.

Barrington College; M.Div., Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary; Ed.S., Lynchburg College; D.Min., Westminster Theological Seminary; Ed.D., Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University; Licensed Professional Counselor; Dean, Liberty University, College of Arts & Sciences.
Rosemarie Hughes, Ph.D.,
Dean, School of Psychology and Counseling, Regent University. Dr. Hughes has earned a Bachelors of Science degree in Education from Duquesne University, a Master’s degree in Education from Regent University, and a Doctorate in Urban Services from Old Dominion University. She and her husband have seven adult children and six grandchildren.

Associate Professor of Counseling and Coordinator of Clinical Training at Liberty University. He is clinical director of the International Board of Christian Counselors and serves on the executive board of the Society for Christian Psychology. David and his wife, Judy, have been married for 24 years and reside near Lynchburg, VA.

Augustana College; M.Div., Princeton Theological Seminary; Ph.D., University of Iowa; Co-founder & Executive Director of OASISS, a division of the Christian Alliance for Sexual Recovery, Inc. (CASR); Board Member, National Council on Sexual Addiction/Compulsivity; Board Member, Interfaith Sexual Trauma Institute.

Taylor University; M.A., Temple University; Ph.D., Temple University; Licensed Clinical Psychologist; Director of Diane Langberg & Associates; Chairperson, AACC Executive Board.

Brigadier General, U.S. Army Reserve, Retired, formerly United States Army Assistant Chief of Chaplains for Mobilization and Readiness and Interim Pastor of Trinity Presbyterian Church, Newark, Delaware. Chaplain Lee was commissioned in the Washington State Army National Guard in 1977 and has served in multiple assignments in both the National Guard and the U.S. Army Reserves.

Founding Partner, Lyles & Crawford Clinical Consulting; and member of AACC Executive Board. M.D., B.S., University of Michigan Accelerated Medical Program; Psychiatric Residency, Duke University Medical Center.

for 30 years, has provided professional counseling and crisis intervention services for missionaries on five continents. She is a Mental Health Nurse, Ethnic Clinical Specialist (UCLA ’84) and serves as the SIL International Counseling Coordinator/Consultant. She is co-author/trainer of Healing the Wounds of Trauma: How the church can help, used to equip churches suffering from ethnic conflict, persecution, AIDS, natural disasters and other trauma.

is a licensed clinical social worker, specializing in marriage and family therapy, eating disorders and infertility. She is the author of numerous articles and books, including A Daughter’s Journey Home, Kids Killing Kids, Getting Unstuck, Divorce Proofing Your Marriage, Lose it for Life and Overweight Kids.

is President, CEO, and co-founder of FamilyLife, a division of Campus Crusade for Christ. Dr. Rainey has written and co-written more than a dozen books including: Staying Close, which was selected in 1990 as the outstanding book on marriage and family.

Associate Pastor, Times Square Church, New York, New York, and Director of the Counseling Department. Pastor Rhodes has spent more than 30 years in ministry. During that time, he has written and published two books dealing with counseling issues in marriage. He and his wife have also traveled extensively, teaching and training leaders in biblical counseling worldwide.

is an author, speaker, and Vice President for Professional Development at AACC and the former Dept. Chair for Counseling Programs at Regent University. He is a Licensed Professional Counselor and a Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist with over 29 years of clinical experience. He is also President of Beacon Counseling & Consulting located in Tidewater, VA.

is a licensed professional counselor, minister, motivational speaker and the founder of Agape Family Counseling Center in Eatonville, Florida. In 2003, Leroy founded and organized the Central Florida Christian Counselor Conference — a local conference that supports the training of pastoral counselors and ministry leaders.

Author and speaker. Nate is the former Ranger Captain who led a team in the battle of Takur Ghar, also known as the Rescue on Roberts Ridge. He was awarded the Silver Star, the Bronze Star, and the Purple Heart for his actions during Operation Enduring Freedom. Nate has authored Two Wars and has been celebrated and examined as a model of exemplary leadership.

is a licensed psychologist and professional counselor with Piedmont Psychiatric Center in Lynchburg, VA. Gary is also an assistant professor in Liberty University’s doctoral program in professional counseling.

Colonel, U.S. Army, Retired, Emeritus Professor of Political Science at West Point and a visiting research professor at the Army War College. He was research director for, and co-editor of, The Future of the Army Profession, 2nd ed.; Dissent and Strategic Leadership of Military Professions; and Officership: The Professional Practice.

Army spouse for 35 years, married to Lieutenant General R.L. Van Antwerp. They have five children: Major Jeff Van Antwerp; Capt. Luke Van Antwerp; Julia Tobias; Kathryn; and Robby, a wounded warrior. Mrs. Van Antwerp has devoted her time to raising her children, teaching Bible studies, and volunteering to support the Army community in many roles.

Lieutenant General, U.S. Army, Chief of Engineers and Commander of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. General Van Antwerp graduated from the U.S. Military Academy. He completed Ranger, Airborne and Air Assault training; Engineer Officer Basic Course; and Engineer Officer Advanced Course. General Van Antwerp served in combat as a battalion commander in the combat engineers.

Senior Pastor of Watermark Community Church in Dallas, Texas. Pastor Wagner is a graduate of the University of Missouri and holds a Master’s of Theology degree from Dallas Theological Seminary. Pastor Wagner has extensive experience in both church and para-church ministry, having served on Young Life and K-Life staff, as well as 10 years at Kanakuk, where he last served as Assistant Director at K-2.

is President of Webb & Associates Chaplaincy Consulting. Chaplain Webb pioneered efforts in the development of a first-time Central Critical Incident Stress Management team at Camp Pendleton, responding to 35,000 plus Marines and their families. In addition to 11 years of active duty Navy Chaplaincy that took him to two combat zones, he has 12 years of clinical experience.